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3 Ways You Can Use Your Tax Return For Your Oral Health

April 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalexpressions @ 2:43 am
money sticking out of plastic teeth

If you have a tax return coming to you this year, there are probably all kinds of companies fighting to be the ones that take your hard-earned money. However, have you considered using that tax return to make an investment in yourself?

If you want to look and feel your best, there are plenty of ways that your dentist can help you do that. Here are some ways that your tax return can be used to support your oral health.


Protect Your Smile: What to Know About Oral Cancer

April 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalexpressions @ 6:21 pm
a man getting his preventive dental checkup

Preventive dental care is essential in keeping your smile not only beautiful but healthy too! Your dentist gives your teeth a thorough cleaning, ensuring that any buildup of plaque and tartar is washed away. They also give you a complete examination to check for any oral health issues before they become more serious. One of the things your dentist will check for is oral cancer. By detecting this disease early, you can treat it before it worsens or spreads. Read on to learn about the risk factors and symptoms of oral cancer.
