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Happy Trays, Happy Days! Here’s How to Take Good Care of Your Invisalign

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalexpressions @ 8:56 pm
Woman smiling and holding Invisalign tray on extremely bright blue background

Why do Invisalign clear aligners interest you? Is it the slim and transparent profile of the trays? Or maybe the shorter treatment time when compared to metal braces? These characteristics would make anyone excited, and for good reason! But if you don’t care for your trays properly, they’ll likely get bent out of shape – sometimes literally. Keep reading to learn how to ensure your Invisalign days are happy ones.

Your Invisalign Cleaning Checklist

Invisalign aligners won’t be very clear if you don’t routinely brush away food particles and bacteria. These best-practices will help you avoid stains and bacteria-induced dental illnesses:

√ Brush Every Morning and Every Night

Bacteria, odors, and pigments can all start to collect on your trays throughout the day and while you sleep. It’s good to get in the habit of cleaning them whenever you brush your teeth (which should also be every morning and every night!).

√ If Removed, Rinse

Rinsing your trays with lukewarm water after you remove them and before you put them back on also helps with keeping ickiness at bay. Not to mention it also prevents your saliva from drying and sticking to the plastic. Gross.

√ Let Them Take a Refreshing Soak

It’s recommended to give your aligners a nice soak once per day. Invisalign cleaning crystals are excellent for this. All you need are your trays, a glass of water, the crystals, and maybe a phone reminder so you don’t forget.

Don’t Forget Your Teeth’s Hygiene!

Now, cleaning your teeth regularly is important for preventing conditions like cavities and gum disease, but it also impacts the transparency and texture of your aligners. Invisalign trays are fitted tightly so that they can guide your crooked teeth into a better alignment. If you have food or stains trapped on your dental surfaces, they’ll get pressed against your trays, potentially causing discoloration or warping.

Keep Your Invisalign Close, And Their Case Even Closer

You don’t want to leave home without your trays, and you shouldn’t leave home without their proper storage case, either! Leaving Invisalign out and about without a protective shell risks damage via accidental squashing, smashing, falling, tripping, dog playing – you get the idea. Plus, a foreign surface is just another opportunity for bacteria to hitch a ride straight to your mouth.

All of this boils down to keeping your pearly whites clean, diligently brushing your Invisalign aligners, and keeping them safe in their case. Eventually, these habits will become second nature, and before you know it, you’ll be able to enjoy a perfectly straight smile! If you do ever forget a step or want more care advice, remember that your dentist is there to support you. As a professional, they’ll be able to address your concerns and help you maintain happy trays.

About the Practice

Drs. Robert and Heather Heil believe in compassionate care. To them, there’s no such thing as a dumb question, especially when it comes to your oral health and maintaining your Invisalign aligners! If you’re interested in Invisalign’s discrete straightening abilities or have other questions or concerns, contact their office at 920-788-6280.

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