Dental Expressions Blog
New Year, New You: 4 New Year’s Resolutions for a Healthier Smile
December 10, 2020

Are you one of the millions of Americans starting 2021 with a few goals on your “to-do” list? Whether it’s loading up your plate with more veggies, committing to reading a new book every month, or being kinder to yourself, it’s a good idea to add some smile-friendly goals to your new year’s resolutions. After all, implementing better dental hygiene best practices not only can keep your teeth looking bright and beautiful, but it can also improve your oral and general health. With this in mind, read on for a few ideas from a dentist in Freedom!
(more…)5 Surprising Ways You’re Flossing Wrong
November 14, 2020
Your teeth can last for a lifetime with the right care over the years. Your first line of defense against common dental issues begins at home with your oral hygiene routine. In addition to brushing twice a day, your dentist in Freedom also recommends flossing every night before going to bed. Although you might believe your technique is effective, your smile might be at risk of complications, like gum disease. Here are 5 of the most common mistakes people make when flossing.
How Does Visiting the Dentist Save You Money?
October 12, 2020

For some people, visiting the dentist every six months seems like a hassle. You can brush your teeth at home, and you aren’t feeling any pain, so why spend money to go in? The truth is that you can save a lot of money later on by attending your regular cleanings and checkups now. For every dollar you spend now on preventive care, you will save $50 later on restorative care. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Freedom about how regular checkups save you money.
(more…)5 Important Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Checkup
September 15, 2020

Whenever you see your dentist for a checkup, they’re usually the one asking most of the questions. But do you ever flip the script and ask your dentist any questions about your smile? After all, there is a lot you can learn at these visits, and it’s always a good idea to take full advantage of the time you spend in the office. Here are five questions that your dentist in Freedom is hoping you’ll ask during your next appointment.
(more…)How to Keep Up with Your Dental Appointments
August 12, 2020

You know that you should be visiting the dentist a couple of times each year in order to maintain the health of your smile. However, you are busy and can be difficult to keep up with your appointments. Sometimes you have something more important come up or you forget about your visit entirely. The problem is that skipping dental visits leads to additional cavities, tooth decay, an accumulation of plaque and tartar, and other common dental issues. You could even have a more serious problem that is being left undetected because you aren’t consistent about your visits. Fortunately, your dentist in Freedom has some tips that can help you keep up with your appointments.
(more…)What’s All the Hype About Dental Implants?
July 12, 2020

Dentures and dental bridges are both life changing options for many people. They make it easier for those with missing teeth to smile, eat, and speak. But dentists and patients alike are raving about another option: dental implants. They have many advantages over traditional tooth replacement options and over 3 million people are already reaping the benefits. Read on to learn more about why dental implants in Freedom are so popular.
(more…)In What Ways Are Dentists Protecting Their Patients and Themselves
June 3, 2020
You’ve been making a lot of changes in your life to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19. During these times of uncertainty, it pays to be cautious by taking precautions like limiting your public outings, social distancing, and wearing a face covering. When it comes to keeping the community safe, your dental office has a roll to play too. Your dentist in Freedom shares some ways that they are protecting their patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy Until Your Local Dental Practice Reopens
April 18, 2020
Due to the recent widespread outbreak of COVID-19, your local dental practice is very likely only treating patients with dental emergencies. This means that regular checkups and cleanings are effectively postponed until further notice. If you’re normally diligent about keeping up with your oral health by attending these appointments, you might be worried that you’ll suddenly get cavities or gum disease. Not to worry; your dentist has written this guide on how to keep your mouth healthy until they’re open for cleanings again.
How Strong Oral Care Enhances Your Immune System Against COVID-19
March 15, 2020
COVID-19 has shown to be an extremely infectious disease. If you want to reduce your risk of getting sick, it’s just as important to work towards having a strong immune system as it is to practice social distancing and hygienic practices. However, many people don’t realize that part of maintaining good overall hygiene and building a strong immune system means keeping up with oral care habits along the way. To learn how oral and overall health are connected and why it matters for your immune system, keep reading!
Is Keeping Your Gums Healthy Good for Your Heart?
February 7, 2020
It’s perfect that February is all about love and hearts since it’s dedicated as American Heart Month! Now is a great time to pause making Valentine’s Day dinner plans and buying flowers to reflect on the health of your heart. When you think about taking care of this vital organ, do you think about flossing? A growing body of research suggests that we should. Recent studies show that the health of your gums plays an important role in the health of your heart, which may be why February is also National Gum Disease Awareness Month! Read on to learn more about this important connection and how a healthy smile is good for your heart.